What is the difference between the initial rate and the actual rate?
You will certainly have noticed that in Taskomat™ we always report two types of rates: the initial rate and the actual rate. These are shown wherever you need to analyse your hourly rate: dashboard, work unit detail, project detail, client detail.
The initial rate is the rate at which you sold your work unit. In the work unit detail it is simply the reference rate of the work unit, while in the other sections it is the average of the reference rates of the work units considered. In the project detail it is the average of the rates at which you estimated the work units of the project, while in the dashboard it is the average of the reference rates of the tasks you worked on.
The actual rate is the rate at which you actually worked. In the dashboard it is the rate at which you worked during the day, while in the work unit, project and client detail it is the average of the actual rates of all the tasks you worked on.
The best way to explain the difference between these two quantities is through an example:
In a work unit I have a rate of 50€/hour and I create a task of 1 hour. This task has a value of 50€ and its initial rate is 50€. If I complete this task in half an hour, its actual rate will be 100€/hour, because I have created the same value in half the time.
Next to these two quantities, you always find a percentage quantity: the excursion. As long as the deviation remains positive, it means that your real rate is higher than the initial rate, so you are performing well; whereas if it falls below zero, it means that your real rate is lower than the initial rate and you therefore need to revise a few things.
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The initial rate is the rate at which you sold your work unit. In the work unit detail it is simply the reference rate of the work unit, while in the other sections it is the average of the reference rates of the work units considered. In the project detail it is the average of the rates at which you estimated the work units of the project, while in the dashboard it is the average of the reference rates of the tasks you worked on.
The actual rate is the rate at which you actually worked. In the dashboard it is the rate at which you worked during the day, while in the work unit, project and client detail it is the average of the actual rates of all the tasks you worked on.
The best way to explain the difference between these two quantities is through an example:
In a work unit I have a rate of 50€/hour and I create a task of 1 hour. This task has a value of 50€ and its initial rate is 50€. If I complete this task in half an hour, its actual rate will be 100€/hour, because I have created the same value in half the time.
Next to these two quantities, you always find a percentage quantity: the excursion. As long as the deviation remains positive, it means that your real rate is higher than the initial rate, so you are performing well; whereas if it falls below zero, it means that your real rate is lower than the initial rate and you therefore need to revise a few things.
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Updated on: 02/01/2024
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