Articles on: Budget Tracking

Use the work unit when working on an hourly rate

Working on an hourly rate means selling a job to your client at a fixed hourly price, regardless of the total budget and the time it will take to complete it. When working in this way, it is important to keep track of how many hours you accumulate and how much budget you allocate in total.

On Taskomat™ it is possible to create work units to work on an hourly rate, however this process is not yet fully automated. In this article we explain how you can create work units at an hourly rate and keep track of your performance.

How to create a work unit and work at an hourly rate

When working on an hourly rate, the only thing you need to value when creating a work unit is the 'Hourly Rate' field, as there is no budget or time limit within which to complete the work:

Value the Hourly Rate field with the hourly price at which you sell your work.
Do not valorise the Budget field
The Time limit field will remain at 0

How to read the work unit data

Budget: the total budget is not valued because the work unit does not have a predefined budget
Time limit: the time limit is not valorised as the work unit does not have a time limit
Margin: in work units with an hourly rate, the margin is not taken into account as there is no residual to take into account

How to read the progress bars

Progress bar PURPLE: indicates the budget you have already disbursed on the basis of your hourly rate and time worked (the total budget is always 0 as it is not valued)
Progress bar BLUE: indicates the time worked against the planned time (in hourly rate work units there is no time limit)
Progress bar YELLOW: indicates the budget already invoiced to the customer (the total budget is always 0 as it is not valued)
Progress bar GREEN: indicates the budget already paid by the customer (the total budget is always 0 as it is not valued)


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Updated on: 02/01/2024

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